Explore the Frontier of Fun Gaming

Why did we make this game?

Create anxiety and thrilling gameplay.

Make a name for fun creative gaming with a balance of old school difficulty and new school art. Establish ourselves as a major force in the gaming world. We want to make independent game development are main source of income. We are gamers for life, live by the sticks die by the sticks. This is a first of many passion projects to come.

How To Play

This is you

Wade is flying and Faith is shooting. You can use mouse and key or controller.


You have three buttons, one for primary fire another is for secondary weapons and the last button is for boost/shield.

Collect the stars

They are multicolored, mainly for points and 1ups.

Take down King Bura

Each one different from the last.

Insane Boss Battles

Collect some extra lives, your going to need them.

We have 9 levels
Stop the invasion.
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Incredible gameplay experience! The music and art captivate you, making it truly unforgettable and fun.


a video game sitting on top of a table
a video game sitting on top of a table

Absolutely loved the game! Engaging, fun, and the voiceover adds an amazing touch to it!

Liya Destiny

kid sitting on gray bed while playing
kid sitting on gray bed while playing